The work above and words below are those from the artist, Terri-Lynn Pellegri.
Can you spell all the items in the composition?
In May of 2019, I had my first LOVE COMPOST photo exhibit to celebrate International Compost Awareness Week, at Uncommon Grounds in Saratoga Springs, NY. It is the city where I grew up, and where I call home. Saratoga Springs is an amazing place, steeped in history, and culture, abundant with gifts of natural beauty and resources. It’s where the healing waters flow. We are fortunate that this a thriving city and has a bountiful amount of restaurants to enjoy. Many visitors share in that enjoyment. We are a destination for dining and a city of consumers and with that comes much food waste. Some restaurants have initiated ways to move their food scraps along the food chain of renewal, without sending them to the landfill. Others may be curious and want to do more, but don’t have a solution. As a community, we are working on alternative ways for more people to compost. We are a model city in many ways, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could be a model city for composting. As a way to approach restaurants and businesses to engage them in the conversation of composting, it was suggested to me to photograph those restaurants and businesses that already do, and celebrate their efforts! That’s when I began creating COMPOSiTions using their own compost to create art… a composition that identifies them or reflects their business. Four Seasons Natural Foods Cafe was one of the first that I created. I dug into their compost bucket pulled out some kale stalks, peppers, rice noodles and recreated their logo with their own compost. Owner, Rich Frank loved it and asked if I would have a LOVE COMPOST show at Four Seasons. It’s such a great space with so much natural light. I’m so honored to be there. Please join me on January 30, for an artist’s opening. All art will be for sale with a portion of the proceeds donated to Sustainable Saratoga.
LOVE COMPOST is on view now through March 31, 2020.
My latest Word Book Puzzles
(scrambled animals)
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San Diego Zoo



Lubbock, TX 10/2/19

Lubbock, TX.

Euless, Texas




Is that Gary or Nanook of the North?

at Cafe Lena 9/25/19

at breakfast on 9/25/19
in Saratoga Springs, NY

Roosevelt SPA
Saratoga Springs, NY

Saratoga Springs, NY

Jerry Scheiten vs Dave Leonard

Huntington Woods, Michigan 9/13/19


Son-in-law Dan, Granddaughter Amanda, Daughter Stacy