Be the Person You Want 2 Be

29 May 2023
Gary Moss, the founder of JFTSOI has been providing one on coaching sessions for the game of Scrabble™.  Gary has also has also provided various other coaching programs that have helped many become the Person they Want 2B.

As Gary’s younger sister and his website developer, I am a coach as well (but not for Scrabble™ despite some of the tools I use may provide you with a higher Scrabble™ score.

As a personal coach I provide you with one on one coaching sessions – 1 hour a week for 6 weeks.  (Research indicates that coaching leads to “77% improvement in relationships, 67% improvement in teamwork, 61% improvement in job satisfaction, and 48% improvement in quality” for businesses.)

As I begin my Coaching Practice #YESICAN I have chosen my target clients as Special Need and Aging Adults.
I have chosen these two areas as I am experienced in both areas and each one will be unique.  I promise my coaching will not be defined as a cookie cutter practice.
As a parent and wife, I have experienced the Special Needs Community.  What I have learned often came from my experience making mistakes along the way and learning from them.  I will not be providing answers to my clients, however, I promise to be empathetic as I travel down your path with you as a guide asking you questions.
Life delivers us challenges and we have the choice to confront them or remain stuck.  When we confront them, we can relieve ourselves from those confrontations (as well as future ones that will crop up) and create opportunities.  You may think this is an impossible task, it’s not, but it will take work.
We all are aging!  However, we all have a perception that age is an obstacle, either we are too young, or we are too old.  We are not living in the story of “The Three Bears”, every age is just right.  The choice is yours if you want to face your challenges, it begins with observing them and creating a plan.

  • Know where you are, are you ready to be coached?
  • Know where you are and where you want to be?
  • Know it is up to you to take action, the first step will lead to many others.
  • Action begins with creating a goal – one small step for you!

To schedule a SCRABBLE™ coaching session with Gary contact him at

To schedule a personal coaching session with Karen contact

Every day is like a new beginning.  We have the opportunity to make choices (and we do) but what if you started each day being mindful of the opportunities that are in front of you, this is when you can make a choice.

When you play Scrabble™, you have the choice to prepare and learn WORDS that others’ may not know and because you learned the twos, the threes, and hooks and more, you can choose to be a Winner.

Check out welcome JFTSOI and all who follow this website to check out the various podcasts that help each one of us face our challenges and become the person we want 2 be.

Do you want to learn more words and be a contender at Scrabble™ Club?  You can do this on your own or you can hire a coach to guide you on this journey.  It’s never too late and the knowledge you will gain may empower you not just at club but also in various other paths you travel.

Amongst many hats that Gary Moss has worn he has been coaching individuals to become the advanced player that they chose to be.  Check out Scrabble™ 101. (

Are you looking to make a change but you aren’t sure where to start?  Have you always wanted to ‘something’ but have backed-off due to insecurities (yours or the influence of others), that may be guiding you away from your PASSION.

Do you need direction or guidance in your life – the answer my friends is YES – we all do!

We all wish we were more than what we are and for some that can be life-threaten thought process.  Even if we grasp on to the dream and hold it – it may melt and then the feelings/thoughts of not having that  thing or person may result in self negative insults.  (Now tell me how that works?  It doesn’t!)

If you are looking for a SCRABBLE™ Coach Gary Moss ( is one of the best –

If you  need someone to assist you with everyday life issues,  career, family, and or loss please contact Karen (