Tomorrow, September 1, 2020, takes us into the last quarter of 2020. This is not a time to just sit around wishing you could succeed at something special, now is the time to take that first step towards achievement. Gary Moss is Scrabble Maven and what it ignites him is his passion for words which in his case led him to the Scrabble World. Many of you that read his blogs and or listen to his podcasts can take his suggestions and apply them to your life and passion for success.
Our parents, Dorothy and Harmon Moss, never used the words, “I Can’t”. If there was something they wanted to do they figured out how to create a method to success. Let me state here, success does not mean financial gain. although that is a nice bonus, success is taking the steps to reach the stars. Each step gets you closer and even if you slip and fall, learn from the misstep and brush yourself and start over again.
This website was designed for Gary Moss, also known as Letterman, to share his journey through life. At the age of 77, he set out on a solo cross country and back Sunset Trip playing scrabble along the way, meeting new people. as well as visiting with family and friends along the path. On occasion, he went off-path taking a fork in the road to experience something new. His adventures (or something similar) could be yours but you must make the choice, the choice cannot be made for you. Over the last 365 days, Gary has written a new blog each week, and as his editor, I get the privilege to embellish them with photo icons and quotes bringing them to life for you the reader.
Together we have produced 40 podcasts and we are on schedule to record one weekly. Even when one is as passionate as Gary is, taking a break from podcasting is needed to get your thoughts together. (so occasionally we miss a recording.) However, having a desire to share his love of words has helped Gary during this Pandemic time. When many have found themselves becoming couch potatoes with nowhere to go and no one to see, Gary has taken to creating more Word tools for you if you are interested in improving your game and winning more than losing.
We don’t have a crystal ball to tell us what the future brings but we can prepare for the future by getting up from the couch and making today the FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF OUR LIVES!